Hormone Wildfire: Part II
It’s been a while since my last post (July) but I have new information in regards to the hormone wildfire I have been experiencing. Since the surgery in late June, I have had a few cycles but each cycle lasts longer and longer. The first cycle was 10 days after surgery (I was told it would be 2-4 days). The next month it was 15 days. And last month it hit 23 days. Super frustrating. And I feel like I’m back to the beginning.
I took the DUTCH test and the results have been pretty profound. I performed the most intensive version of the tests, which included more than 28 days of urine testing and saliva testing at various parts of the day. The reason hormone testing needs to be this comprehensive is due to the fact that different days and times of the day will change hormones. I wanted to see a full picture. Not just a blood draw one time.
I assumed I was estrogen dominant based off the symptoms of heavy cycles, cramping, clots, PMS, hormonal acne around the chin, etc. but when I received my results from my DUTCH test it wasn’t the estrogen that alarmed me.
It was the progesterone. It is bottomed out throughout my entire cycle. In other words, I am completely infertile because there is no ovulation happening.
Without progesterone, my estrogen has nothing to balance itself against. So, it stays elevated. Progesterone is supposed to peak after ovulation to prepare your uterine lining to accept an egg and maintains this during pregnancy. Progesterone is a natural anti-depressant, PROTECTS against breast cancer, promotes healthy thyroid and blood sugar levels, and MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD.
I have not felt great. My irritability has been an all-time high and I was constantly feeling anxious. Have you ever felt like you were moments away from just losing it? Like exploding temper with tears?! And you can’t identify why. This has been me and it has worsened as this problem has continued.
Now, let’s talk Estrogen. Estrogen has three main pathways and I’ll refer to them as protective, dangerous, and proliferative (means growth). I do not have any breast cancer in my family history but it’s super important to understand that most breast cancers are an estrogen issue. Of the three pathways, my estrogen is favoring the dangerous path. When estrogen is too high or dominant on this pathway instead of the protective pathway, it becomes reactive and can bind to DNA and damage it. When this process is out of control, disease occurs.
(Remember, our bodies make estrogen and then it must get rid of it (bath tub analogy). Go back to read Hormone Wildfire: Part I to review!)
The protective pathway requires the COMT gene and methylation in order to properly detoxify the estrogen. I’ve added in methylated vitamins to my daily routine (since I do not do this well via genetics) to support this subpar gene. So, double whammy here: I genetically do not detoxify well and I’m favoring the dangerous pathway!
The other aspect of this test that was very enlightening was the lower levels of free cortisol. Cortisol spikes shortly after waking and then tapers throughout the rest of the day. I love the DUTCH test because it showed me that I am making adequate or slightly high amounts of cortisol but the actual amount of “free cortisol” in my system is lower than it should be. So, what does this pattern mean?
It means that my system is stressed. But let’s break this down first…stress can literally be anything. It doesn’t have to be huge and profound like losing a loved one, parent, spouse, child, etc. It can be the rat-race of everyday life we live. The endless appointments, activities, meal planning, and day-to-day operations can do this too! This test demonstrates that I am making cortisol well, but the free floating amounts are limited because SOMETHING SOMEWHERE is using the cortisol. This THING is excessive estrogen due to lack of progesterone. This combination is the STRESSOR.
BINGO. I found the source.
{That’s the point, right?! You do this testing and the appointments and alllll the things to find the source. Not mask symptoms. Not to put Band-Aids over seeping wounds. }
One of the changes I made about a month ago (prior to my results) was eliminating my afternoon coffee and only allowing one cup of black coffee each morning. Before, I was drinking a cup of coffee every morning, then filling my travel mug with coffee and taking that to work. Then I would drink a cup or two each afternoon. I LOVED black coffee and I was scared to reduce this consumption because I thought I wouldn’t have any energy. In the afternoon I added in a hot tea with adaptogenic herbs (found at WM Nutrition). These herbs help to SUPPORT the stress response from the adrenals, not stress it. I also added in minerals to a glass of water each day (found in our office). Minerals are the building blocks of your vitamins and allll the chemical processes that are happening in your body to keep you alive.
Since I’ve made these changes, my mental clarity and energy is pretty dang incredible. I am able to stay up past 8:30pm without passing out from exhaustion. I AM WAKING UP BEFORE MY ALARM….and I’m awake! I feel “ready” to tackle my day. It’s been incredible!
When the test results came back and it proved my system WAS STRESSED OUT, I am so grateful I started to adopt these changes to support my body. In addition to supporting my stressed body, I have added in Chasteberry to support my own progesterone. Before I got my results, I was on day 21 of a cycle. The day after I added this supplement, my cycle went from full to spotting. The next day, it stopped. Holy Smokes!
I’ve also added in DIM. This supplement forces estrogen detoxification to the protective pathway (exactly what I need AND want). {DIM is actually found in cruciferous vegetables, but it would take dozens of cups of raw broccoli to be consumed each day for years in order to get the beneficial amounts!}
I’ve also added in myo-inositol. This is a member of the B-vitamin family and plays A LOT of important roles in our bodies. Everything from mental health support, muscle and nerve function, restful sleep and optimal neurotransmitter systems to functioning ovaries. I’m taking it for the latter.
The consult that I was able to have with a DUTCH provider was also enlightening! She stated that it was obvious the first dose of M*****a sent my system into an extreme immune response. <There are immune receptors and cells within the lining of the uterus.> Since that day in January, I’ve battled this. Had surgery in hopes to “stop the bleeding and re-set the hormones.” How can you re-set hormones if they aren’t supported with nutrients? I have had such an enormous amount of frustration, tears, and straight-up anger, if I’m honest. When I ask the question, “did the doses cause this?” No one answers. They avoid the question, honestly. It’s been really disheartening. But this consult brought some light and peace to this frustration that has been stirring in the front of my mind for almost a year…and for that I am very grateful.
It’s important to note that any person who is battling hormonal dysfunction, like myself, does not need to hear phrases like, “Work harder or do more HIIT workouts or cut carbs or just deal with it.” These are not helpful and are actually harmful to the person. You can’t out work or out hustle hormone dysfunction; whether it was caused by a dosage from a pharma company or some other cause, the “outworking and hustling” is likely a factor into the cause of the issue.
To summarize, this test has given me a plan. There is so much peace in a plan of action! I will also be re-testing in 3 months to monitor improvement. This test has given me a look into my health that I cannot see. I cannot see how I detoxify and metabolize hormones, I can only see and feel symptoms. To know that I can re-route the estrogen pathway to stay away from the dangerous pathway that damages DNA is so damn empowering. To be in control of your health is empowerment. To think you cannot control your health is dis-empowerment and victim-mentality. I don’t live in this mindset and I refuse to ever settle here.
If you have questions about the DUTCH test, please let me know. Within the past year, this has been the most profound objective data I have found to help me come out of this wildfire.
With love,
Dr. Kelsey