Uncomfortable Topic: Our Self Worth + Body Image

Hello ladies!

I’m coming to you with this topic because it is on my heart and I also feel that it is not talked about enough. If this makes you uncomfortable or emotional, please know I’m coming from a place of love. I want to discuss the increasing trend I’m seeing in our own community of body dysmorphia and the connection that believing our self worth is tied to how our bodies look. The size of our pants. The scale number.

This is probably something that every female will battle in her lifetime (unfortunately) but I want to reiterate the fact that this is not who we are. These ideas do not define us. They do not complete us.

If you’ve struggled with body shame, restricting your food intake (calories, macros, or any other food group), avoiding mirrors or scales, or constantly comparing yourself to HER. Please know that you are worthy of love JUST AS YOU ARE.

What is Body Image Dysmorphia? It’s a mental health disorder in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others.

Here’s one of the most alarming trends I’m noticing: if you are saying negative things about YOUR body, your children are also hearing this. They will believe this about THEIR bodies. Our daughters are hearing their mothers talk about “how many calories they burned but SHE burned so much more.” Our daughters are hearing their mothers talk about who “is so FIT and LOOKS so GOOD.”

By the way, what is fit to you?

Why does she look good?

Because she is physically SMALLER or because she has more muscle tone and can rock out pushups like a boss?

Thinner does not equal healthier. Lighter mass does not equal healthier.

These are all questions that I hope spark a conversation within yourself. Are you striving for something that is unattainable because this is a comparison game that you’re denying? Are you even conscious that you’re talking this way to yourself? Even if you aren’t saying the words out loud, kids are energetic ninjas and THEY will pick up on that.

These are uncomfortable conversations to have because they expose an emotion of feeling unworthy that lies much deeper. This blog is to start the conversation WITH YOURSELF.

If this resonates with you, please be conscious of your surroundings and how your “tribe” can contribute to this type of self-talk. If your workout classes include statements like, “WE’RE GOING TO GET SKINNY!” RED FLAG. Alert. Alert. Alert.

“SUCK IT IN, LADIES.” Alert. Alert. Alert.


These are not healthy. These are not safe statements. These are NOT okay to say or repeat to ourselves.

For decades women were supposed to be small. Quiet. Contained. Non-confrontational. Our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers OBSESSED about their weight, scale, and frame size. Not us, guys. Not our daughters. We can stop this talk but we have to be open and honest with OURSELVES first.

Let’s start a movement of self-love about all aspects of our bodies and who we are as humans.

Let’s start it together.

Kelsey Dobesh