
This is my OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT of the launch of my Core Complex Program VIRTUALLY!

I get A LOT of questions about this program so I’m taking the time to tackle these now. The first question I hear is “what is a chiropractor doing with pelvic floor issues?!” Great question. This program is designed to tackle all that comes with the post-partum world (post-partum is forever, by the way). This can include incontinence, lower back pain, SI joint pain, pelvic floor weakness, core weakness, and I’ve even seen a few cases of prolapse in this process. Here’s the thing: there is no internal exam or any internal work. We tackle all of this through BREATHING, through structured movement, addressing fears during movement. etc.

Next Question: “Why a virtual program?” I see many of these cases in any week at my office but my clinic reach can only go so far. I know many women from EVERY WHERE in the world are struggling with this issue but they can’t make an appointment. The internet can be a wonderful thing! I created this to mimic the program that is done in my office with patients directly!

“How did you get into this type of work?” After my first child was born, I had a terrible birthing injury. He had shoulder dystocia (which means his shoulders were stuck on my pelvis) and they had to use suction to pull him out. This resulted in an injury that I wouldn’t want my worst enemy in the world to experience. I had pain FOR MONTHS. If I had to walk to the back of Walmart to get a gallon of milk (and that was my only purchase), I would leave in tears. AT 5-6 MONTHS POST-PARTUM. Multiple OB’s at different hospitals told me that “I was anatomically normal.” It was infuriating. They had no solutions for me. After the moments of intense pain, I would be force to lay down during these flares and I started doing deep breathing exercises and soon noticed the pain improving quickly. At first I thought it was easing my anxiety. Then I really started finding and reading journal articles about the connection of the breath to the pelvic floor. I started to apply them to myself and slowly I started to put together a program that I would do daily. It was AMAZING how quickly my pain went away. My function returned! I could go for walks! I could have a bowel movement without crying! I could stand…just stand for more than 20 min. without terrible pain. It was life changing!

I have been pregnant three times after my first child. One angel baby. My daughter Ellie and my youngest son, Jase are here with their oldest brother, Easton and my husband and I. I did these exercises with my two younger children and my recovery from their C-section deliveries have been incredible!

“Whats my favorite part of creating this program for women?” Definitely seeing improvement happen QUICKLY and helping them get back to their lives! Some of these women struggled to completely empty their bladder when voiding; some women dealt with incontinence during jumping jacks in their favorite workout class; lower back pain that limited what they could do for months and months; fear that came with the lower back pain that altered their daily lives.

If you have questions about this program, please ask! I’d love to help you!


Dr. Kelsey

Kelsey Dobesh