Breath Holding

“ I hold my breath ALL DAY!”

This is such a common statement that I hear during the Core Complex Program. And it’s something I relate too! I also used to hold my breath often. Especially during tasks in which I really needed to focus or mindless activities in which my mind would wander.

Re-connecting the breath to our movement isn’t just about restoring our pelvic floor or abdomen after having kids…this is connected to every cell in our body!

How often do you do this? Notice when you’re doing the dishes or folding laundry…or driving. Do you suddenly gasp or SIGH? Does your spouse makes comments about this?!

During daily tasks, focus on nasal breathing. This is inhaling and exhaling through the nostrils with the mouth closed. If you tend to lean more towards mouth breathing, there are multiple solutions available to you!

{Mouth breathing was best described by James Nestor in his book, Breath, by stating the analogy with the swamp water. Nasal breathing is like drinking filtered water from a pitcher because your nose hairs filter out the gunk. Mouth breathing is like drinking water straight from the swamp. There is no filtration system! GROSS!}

Mouth breathing individuals suffer more health consequences as well! If it’s a sinus issue, see a specialist! See a dentist for a mouth guard at night. So many options are available, you just have to ask!

How often do you hold your breath during the day?

Kelsey DobeshComment